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Overview of the most played online casino game, Blackjack

Blackjack and Online gambling 

You would have gone to physical casinos in your locality to play your favorite casino games. It is old-fashioned to go to a casino in recent years. The digital era has made it possible to play all your favorite casino games on your personal computer or mobile at the ease of sitting in your home. The fact that you need not move out of your home to play casino games has brought millions of new players to the industry. Many developing nations also have their online casino websites and are competing with other nations. If you are a Malaysian, you can easily play in a trusted online casino Malaysia with the guidance of other online sources that help you to choose the right one. Since there are thousands of online casinos, there are millions of games available for you. Blackjack is one of the most popular casino games both in physical casinos and online casinos. Since it is easy to grasp and play, it is one of the leading player-attraction games for many online casinos. In this article, let us discuss the game in detail.

How to Blackjack? 

The game is played between a player and a dealer from the casino house. There can be a single-player or many players against one dealer. The objective of the game is to have a better ranking hand with a total of or close to 21. If a player goes over 21, he will lose the game. 

Beginning – The dealer will give two cards to the players and keep two cards for himself face-down. The player’s cards will either be face-up or face-down and this varies from one casino to another. The player should see his two cards and decide whether he should take another card to get close to 21 (Hit) or stand. Once the player decides and plays, the dealer will see his cards and do the same. 

Hit and Stand – If the player decides to take a third card, the total should be less than or equal to 21. A total of above 21 will make the player lose the hand. If the player stands, then the dealer will either take a third card or stand. 

Splitting – If a player gets two cards of the same rank like 8 and 8, he can decide to split the cards into two sets. He should double his bet amount to do so. 

Blackjack – If a player or the dealer gets an Ace along with a ten, it is known as a Blackjack. The person who gets a Blackjack is the winner. 

Surrendering – If a player feels there is no way to win the hand, he can decide to drop the hand by giving away half of his bet amount. He cannot continue the game after surrendering. A player can surrender only after confirming that the dealer does not has a Blackjack. If he has a Blackjack, then all the players will lose their bet amount and cannot surrender. 

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